Monday, February 21, 2005


A Whole Lot of Nothing

That's what this weekend was.

Although, if nothing else, I did snap some good pictures.

Friday I made several trips back to the shack out on Wire Road to take some more pictures:

I went once at 4:30 PM,

and once again at 5:30.

And one last time today in PhotoShop land.

That's pretty much all that happened Friday. The sun went down.

Saturday was a different story entirely.

Saturday I sat in front of the library and took pictures of birds:

Oh yeah!

I went home and blew a big bubble with some bubble gum.

Then it exploded all over my face.

I gave up on the gum and instead decided to indulge in the product with the most frightening package that I've ever seen:

Daddy Ray's Fig Newtons! If you send in 15 proofs of purchase, Daddy Ray will come to your house and molest you.

After the aforementioned confections began to bore me, I went out and snapped some night shots using no flash:

Sunday = Z-Fest

And that's all that happened.

Oh yeah, I've got to throw in this picture of Sean from a few weeks back:

I'm sure I've bored everyone to death with these pictures, but that's how I felt all weekend.

Rivers Out!

posted by Rivers  # 6:32 PM
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