Monday, November 01, 2004


W: The Ketchup

This is officially the stupidest thing that I've ever seen. If you don't want to support Teresa Heinz Kerry, you can buy Hunt's ketchup. It's not that difficult. Granted, Hunt's is a lot shittier than Heinz, but it's very simple to obtain. While your hot dogs and burgers are grilling, and your freedom fries are in the Fry Daddy, you can run to Kroger and pick some up.

OR you can order this novelty ketchup off of the internet and wait a few weeks for it to arrive. Once you get it, you might notice the pictures of George Washington, as well as that of two firefighters at Ground Zero in New York. I guess there is a huge demand for ketchup that reminds everyone of the Whiskey Rebellion AND the death of 3,000 people. They say that depressing thoughts make food taste GREAT.

Seriously, who is buying this shit? No one should be. If you are, you deserve to be shot with a nail gun.

posted by Rivers  # 7:53 PM
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